Indian Air Force (IAF)

Why is it in news?
  • Indian Air Force (IAF) in its recent demonstration of its ‘rapid airlift capability’ during war and natural disasters airlifted a record 463 tonnes of load from Chandigarh to airfields and drop zones in the Ladakh region in a single wave.
  • This assumes greater significance in short and intense wars, disaster management.
  • Western Air Command (WAC)-
    1. Responsibility- The WAC is entrusted with the maintenance of the entire northern region of the country.
    2. Major operations handled by WAC are- Kashmir Operations 1947-48, Sino-Indian Conflict 1962, Indo-Pak War 1965, Indo-Pak War 1971, Operation Pawan 1986 (Sri Lanka) and Operation Safed Sagar 1999 (Kargil). 
Basics -
(1)   Organisation Set up-
  • Indian Air Force is headquartered in New Delhi.
  • For effective command and control, the IAF has seven command, under which there are different stations and units located at various places throughout the country.
  • Quarter of aster-
    1. Western Air Command
    2. Eastern Air Command
    3. Central Air Command
    4. South Western Air Command
    5. Southern Air Command
    6. Training Command
    7. Maintenance Command
The Hindu, Indianairforce

Posted by Jawwad Kazi on 19th Dec 2018